Monday, January 25, 2010

Whipped Cream

Have I told you that I have a massively major sweet tooth? I love dessert especially when it contains whipped cream. The real kind. Not the kind that you can buy in a plastic container. The kind that you whip up yourself.

I remember very vividly one Thanksgiving, my aunt, a fantastically daring cook, made cinnamon whipped cream to put on the pumpkin pie. I was probably 12, but I remember it like it was yesterday. It was one of the most delicious things I've ever tasted in my life.

When I lived in Belgium for a summer, I decided to make whipped cream (for the first time) for my host family. In my naivete, I didn't know that if you whip too long it becomes butter. You can just imagine my extreme disappointment when I discovered that little fact of life... bummer.

Anyway, I think tonight I'll whip up a little whipped cream for my hot chocolate. And if I'm feeling particularly daring, I'll lace it with a little cinnamon. I'll be transported instantly to heaven...


Marit said...

Aaahhh... whipped cream! I'm not a sweet tooth, but real whipped cream on a dark coffee (espresso even maybe) - that takes ME to heaven! You have a great taste! (and I agree.. never, NEVER the plastic container stuff!!!)

Erika M. said...

Whipped cream just doesn't taste the same unless it's homemade! Can you believe I have a child who hates whipped cream - I just don't understand but oh well it's more for me.

Juliana Michaels 17turtles said...

Sounds yummy! I have never tried making it myself! I am sure it tastes better! Anything from scratch is ALWAYS better!