Friday, June 5, 2009

Using Felt

My first challenge is up at Lotus Paperie! The challenge is to use Felt on our page so this is what I did.

Here's my journaling.

The heart is made of felt. I sewed the paper on top using a zig-zag stitch.

My friend, Sara Jarvie, took this gorgeous picture of Z on Q's blessing day. I love the colors!

Today is a busy day for us as it is the last day of school for the two girls. I'm picking D up early to take her out to lunch so that she doesn't have to be present for her class's pizza party. Because of her dairy allergy, she cannot participate and she feels really uncomfortable being the only one (as always) not eating the chosen food. I decided that it would be better for her not to be present at all. Poor thing. Hopefully, some nuggets and fries can make up for her disappointment. I know that I'm looking forward to it!


Lucy Edson said...

I love this, Beth!! The kraft and stamping are gorgeous! Wonderful design! :)

Congrats on your guest spot!

Peggy said...

Oh that's sad, I hope she didn't feel too left out. Mind you, an outing alone with mom might just be exactly what the doctor ordered!

I love the LO. Congratulations on your guest spot.

xxx Peggy

Marit said...

Your lay out is truly wonderful!!! I love the stamping, and the colour combo is soooo great! Glad you joined us as a guest memeber!

Unknown said...

absolutley adore this layout Beth!!! and congrats on the guest spot

eMeLiNe Seet said...

She is beautiful and so is your page =)