Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Zozabella Magee

A certain young lady turned 6 today. Aunt Joji came over to celebrate with us as we dined on pizza, peas and monkey tails (aka fish sticks). Joji brought the gorgeous princess gear. Oh, and the lipstick. Make sure that you observe the beautiful lips.

After the gourmet meal, we finished off the evening with singing and a cake. "Chocolate on the inside and chocolate on the outside." (Zoey's description to all within hearing.)

I must say, the pink daffodils turned out amazingly well. I'm quite proud of them. I somewhat followed the directions here.

Note: the second picture of the accordian-folded tissue paper is wrong. You should be folding the other way. You want the folds to be parallel to the widest side NOT the longest side. Get what I mean? Also instead of using a green ribbon, I simply used a small piece of embroidery floss to tie the center since I didn't need to tie them to anything.

It was a great day. I went to bed feeling that all was right in the world.

Happy Birthday sweet Zozo. You are so very loved.

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