Thursday, June 11, 2009

Twas a Bust

I had the most wonderful idea on Tuesday morning. It was seriously the best ever. After working around the house, I decided that we would go to the nearby lake-park and feed the numerous ducks that dwell near the waters.

I packaged up loaves of stale bread, cut them into do-able slices. Got all 5 kids totally excited. Revved up and ready. Drove to the lake. They all ran out of the van to look for the area with the highest concentration of ducks.

Nope, no ducks over there. Let's try over here. Nope. Over there? Nope.

We couldn't find a duck to save our lives. We did find some hungry minnows. We found some hungry pigeons. We found some hungry sparrows.

We threw our bread at anything that moved.

I had grand visions of children giggling as they tossed bread crumbs to the grateful water fowl. They would be dancing among the feathers. There would be this massive flock around us. Following us like we were the Pied Piper of birds. I even imagined at least one child doing a graceful stag-leap in joy.


After a few minutes, we lost interest in the disinterested wildlife. We went to the playground. But it was too late. There was no joy to be found there either.

It was a complete bust. We all left crabby and hot and tired. It took lunch and a cup of hot chocolate to get us all into a better mood. Dumb ducks.

Yesterday, we drove past the same park and I looked over at the lake in disappointed disgust only to see a huge flock of fowl right were we were a few days before. Humph.


Becky said...

Ugh. That sounds like a recap of my week...different places but similar experiences. Double ugh.

However, "dumb ducks" is one of the best lines ever from your blog :)

Hope today is not a bust for either of us!

joan said...

Poor, poor duck seekers. Thos phots are great. I am still giggling.

Peggy said...

oooh so sad, so why am I giggling??? Must be the way you wrote it huh! Better luck next time, we all have stories like that ...
xxx Peggy