Thursday, January 8, 2009

You are my Sunshine

I'm not sure if it has something to do with my 2009 word-of-the-year choice (energy) or what, but I've got a thing for sunshine right now. I just completed this layout using Luxe pattern paper and Bazzil cardstock and a button by Paper Studio. Boy was this fun to create. I simply love Luxe. I think they make paper just for me.

Here is a closeup so you can see where I cut the pattern paper and doodled. (Those big thick black lines are from the pattern paper.)

I hope that your day is full of sunshine too! If you need a little boost, check out this post. Here. Laugh out loud hilarious.


Dena said...

that song used to make my lil sister cry when she was a kid. So being the mean big sister I am, I would follow her around the house teasing her LOL
Your layout totally made me smile!

Unknown said...

I adore the way you used the paper and all of that doodling...amazing!!! The color scheme works perfectly here!