Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What Happened Here?

Seriously, what happened to this table? I don't know who works here, but she doesn't even have an inch of free space. Is that one...two...three...no four ongoing projects in states of half completion?

Whoever works here must be very busy because she can't even sit down to blog properly. I do hope to see her again soon...


Becky said...

I'm so glad that *I* got to see you! :)

If you get crazy busy and need help then feel free to drop the kids off while you work on projects.

Can't wait to see the finished projects!

Margaret said...

LOL I have been wondering where you were. Now I know you are lost in the sea of scrap supplies.

Didi said...

Did you sneak into my craft room and take a picture??? LOL Looks VERY similar!! Ah well...we gotta have our creative chaos right? :)

phamil said...

OMG, it looks exactly like mine!!! And no matter how clean and tidy your desk is, once you start working, it looks like that in about 5 minutes flat!!!! I'll be looking for new creations!

Issa Virtucio-Lucido said...

just got your mail... thank you sooo much for the layout and your generosity! I love your work bethany, i'll link you up.

Anonymous said...

It's lovely! A mess means you're creating. However, I would go bonkers if I didn't get it organized and cleaned up again soon! =) I'm terrible at not just going with the flow like that.

I've had a few weeks from my computer due to some remodeling we're doing. But, I'm catching up on your blog. I've missed you!

Since remodeling I did get to re-do my scrap space. What a joy! Now to finish up the work in my house and begin making my own messes at my scrap table! =)