Monday, July 28, 2008

A Few Random Thoughts

I don't have a purpose in mind for this post except to just elaborate on some thoughts/experiences I've had lately. So be prepared for many different topics held together by a complete lack of segue sentences. Buckle up!

It rained pretty hard a few weeks ago and all the sweeties got on their rain boots (except for E, who doesn't own rain boots) and played in the lake that was our backyard. When they were tired and hungry, they stripped down and left their boots in a line to dry out. (Ok, I admit, the line wasn't quite as neat as this one, but for artistic flair, I rearranged and snapped a few pics.)

This Saturday, I went to Hobby Lobby with Becky, my amazingly creative friend. We had a wonderful time in the scrapping aisles. I have a project in the planning stages that requires alcohol inks so I bought a few sets. I cannot wait to experiment with this medium. Apparently, I'm not the only one. Ali recently posted this. And my creative juices are flowing after reading it. I really wish I could chat all about it, but unfortunately, my project is for a top-secret review for Scrap Friends that is due in August. As soon as I can divulge, I certainly will. I am terrible at keeping secrets. I even tell T what his Christmas gifts are because I simply cannot wait.

Something that has really made me think is this post on perfectionism by Brene Brown. I hadn't thought of perfectionism in this way before. After reading, I realized how freeing it would be just be let go of these notions and really embrace imperfection in myself and others. I highly suggest every woman read it.

Sneak peeks of the August Bad Girls kit are beginning on Wendy's blog. My personal description of this kit is Rachel Ashwell visits Cape Cod. You are sure to love it, as I did. The texture and the luscious quality of every single thing is amazing.

Scrap Friends will be finishing up their July bash in a few days and they still have a couple of contests going on. The prizes are amazing. I highly suggest visiting.

The kids and I have been reading a book on feelings published by American Girl (yes, the same company that makes the beautiful dolls and accessories) and it has been beneficial to all of us. It is all about how to deal with anxiety, sadness, anger, frustration, as well as happiness in positive ways. More importantly, various discussions related to the book have lead me to a deeper understanding of my children. Not only that, but it has opened up new terms for us to use as a family to resolve issues. I highly suggest it. It is written for tween girls, but with a bit of fancy reading, you could easily adapt it to boys. (Especially if you feign that you are reading to your daughter, but read loud enough for your son to hear.) For, as anyone knows, they too have overwhelming feelings and need strategies for coping.

Well, that's about it for today. Have a wonderful Monday!


Becky said...

Beth--love your randomalicious post :)

I finished my acrylic album this morning and I'm posting pictures of it on my blog so check it out (I'll hopefully have the blog post done within an hour from now) and tell me what you think.

P.S. I've been checking out design team calls and can't make up my mind as to whether or not I should give it a shot...looking forward to chatting tomorrow

Margaret said...

Oh I think you are going to love playing with the inks. I have just started using them and man they are fun but really messy too. Can't wait to see what you do with them.