The sweeties delight in eating eggs for breakfast out of these cute egg cups, but I only have two left. (E and I broke the rest of the set.) Right now the four kids take turns using these two, but as any mother knows, this situation will not last long. It is only a matter of time before butter- fingers-mamacita breaks another one.
I've got to find a source of egg cups. And they can't be fancy vintage ones that I'll be nervous about using. They have to have personality. They have to be fun. Color is a plus. Weird faces are very cool. I know this is a desperate plea for a desperate situation.
Please help.
Hey! I found a few that I thought were cute!
Nice pastel colors:
These are fun with animals:
I thought these were kinda cute:,Bakeware&Gadgets&sName=Cooking%20Tools%20&%20Gadgets&sid=IAx20071126x000005&aff=Y&cpncode=07-66480356-2&srccode=cii_15720625
And these are just fun:
Check out dollar stores! I'm not too sure what the dollar stores are like in the US, but I've seen some cute egg holders here in the Canadian dollar stores.
Good luck! And see you around BG. Congrats again, by the way, on making the DT!!
Hey, Beth--I just went to ebay and typed "egg cup" in the search box and they had tons. Some of them looked like what you might be wanting. None of them were terribly expensive although some had steep shipping costs. You might want to check it out :)
Ok those are too cute. Now tell me you soft boil the eggs for breakfast. I don't think I have ever had one before. How do you cook and eat them, my son is a major egg eater. He is always asking me to boil a couple of eggs for him, this might be fun for him.
Well duh! We have exactly the same stuff - egg holder and cups - at our summerplace! If you want the exact same ones I can ask my mother in law where she got them from :)
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