Thursday, June 19, 2008

Procrastination Thoughts, a Sticky Situation and Summer Reading

I've been meaning to take my computer in for weeks because the CD and DVD drives were not opening. I put it off (as I do many things that I dread doing like car repairs) because I was afraid of the time that it might take. I finished all my deadlines, invented a few more and finally ran out of excuses. Well, as most things are when I procrastinate, it took about 4.9 seconds for them to fix the problem and I was on my way. I probably worried more minutes than it took to actually do it. Why do I do that? Why can't I assume the best? I obviously need to work on this little vice.

Anyway, here is a funny situation that appeared in our house lately. I have no idea how this one came about but it was pretty sticky for a few moments while I ran to get my camera.

Luckily big sister came to the rescue. She really helped everyone out. Now that's better. What a relief.

Back to my summer reading goals mentioned here. (Was that really only a few days ago?) I finished Thornyhold by Mary Stewart and really enjoyed the first 75% of the novel. I found the last 25% rushed and loosely tied to the first part with a small segue sentence. So I wouldn't recommend it to someone looking for something really well written. I started Rose Cottage by the same author but couldn't get past the first chapter before I started skimming and decided that it was not for me. I am, however, enjoying Little Heathens and will give you my full report in a few days. My love of reading has been awakened with a vengeance. I just can't get enough right now. I am always looking for suggestions, so if you've read a good one lately, please leave me a comment.

I just found out that T won his election! He is now the secretary of the Federal Bar Association in Phoenix. I am so proud of him! We will be celebrating tonight with pizza and the first Indiana Jones movie. Looking forward to a fun night!


Sara Jarvie said...

I got in to the Twilight craze. Stephanie Meyers is from Mesa and went to BYU. The romance is a bit over the top but it is fun/ easy read. There are currently 3 books in the series with one more coming in August. It is a highschool romance with a fantasy twist.

Becky said...

Tell your hubby congratulations! Love the pic of the kids :) I am the ultimate at procrastinating things that I don't want to do (i.e. dentist visits for the kids...I FINALLY scheduled them this week!).