Friday, June 20, 2008

Green Light for Procrastinators

More computer issues. Does it ever end? After I posted yesterday about how I shouldn't procrastinate and dread doing certain activities, I tried to use my CD drives and found that my computer didn't recognize them anymore. So now I need to go back to my computer place next week. I take back my little self-chastisement and give myself the green light to believe that small annoyances always take longer to fix than I expect. I'm so frustrated I could growl.

Speaking of growling...

On a much happier note, I am the featured designer on the Luxe blog today! D was really excited to see one of her layouts featured too. She's been a bit saddish because Z and E are being pubbed soon in Somerset Memories and a page on C was just requested by the same magazine. I keep telling her not to worry that I am working on a cool page of her, but her patience is wearing thin. Let's all hope that her page is chosen before she goes into a creative funk.

I just spent the morning at a friend's house. She is one of those people that I just really enjoy being around. We have many of the same interests and views on life and sometimes when she talks, I feel like I'm listening to my own thoughts. Between the two of us, we have 8.5 children and they play beautifully together. Amazing. It was fun to chat with her while the sweeties happily made tents, pretended to be pirates and roared like dinos. As always when I am in her presence, I feel renewed and ready to take on new adventures. So that is how I feel today.

Speaking of new adventures, I found a very exciting sketch blog, So Sketchy, today. Ally's designs are really stimulating. I know that this will be a very hot blog as soon as she gets her design team in place and gets a bit more publicity. So I highly suggest visiting. I'll be putting it on my sidebar so if you don't have time today, you can in the future.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Jeni Boisvert said...

LOVE the design featured on the luxe blog girlie!!! You have such a talent for making eye popping color and're amazing!

Becky said...

Wow...what great compliments! Thanks--and back at ya!

Every time I think about it I am amazed at how well the kiddos played together...

Being with you gives me motivation to be a better mom and makes me feel so good about myself!