Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Vomit, Drapes and Other Pieces of Life

I woke up today to a very busy day. Snukie suffered all weekend with an earache and I couldn't wait to get her in to the doctor this morning so that Big Man and I (and Snukie!) could sleep through the night again. As I opened my eyes, however, Big Man informed me that Toodles woke up vomiting so I now had 2 sickies on my hands. Poor Toodles had to carry the puke bucket with her all morning as I carted the crew to the pediatrician for Snukie's ear. Toodles felt awful and puked every 20-30 minutes all morning. Luckily, she seemed to recover a bit after eating a popsicle around lunch time. Whew. I'm just so grateful that she is old enough to actually make it into a bucket and I don't have major piles of laundry.

By the way, Snukie did, in fact have an earache and I got her second round of antibiotics filled. Now, while all the sweeties snooze, I am ordering drapes for the 6 glass doors in the house, a new vacuum, Toodle's birthday gifts, my new bed quilt and other necessities of life. With the crowd that I have when I go into a store, the internet has been such a major life-saver for me. I seem to order just about everything online. I'm most excited about my new quilt from Pottery Barn. It is just so fun and colorful.

Enough of my hectic schedule, let's see some fun stuff! I made another one of my Measure of Wisdom spools (using empty ribbon spools) for Sweet Pea. I used paper from the IBSS May kit. I'll also post on the IBSS blog. Here's the front.

And the back.
The side.
And what it looks like when it is unwound.

I included directions to this project here. I'm currently working on a gift for my super awesome Real Estate agent, Nancy. It is months late, but it is personal and has taken quite a bit of preparation. I'm hoping to finish it today so I'll post it this week along with directions on how to make it since there are quite a few new techniques (at least to me!) in it.

What is really funny is that I'm very nervous about presenting it to her. (As I am always nervous about giving someone something that I've made.) To me, it is so much easier and less dramatic to purchase something. I pour my heart into each of my projects and giving them away is a very scary experience. I wonder if the person will really like it? Or will it end up in the attic? What if it isn't her style? I'm not sure of anyone else has this bizarre anxiety, but I'd love to hear that I'm not weird, if you do. So leave a comment!


kristan martin said...

You're not wierd and although I undersand your apprehension, I think most people are very honored to receive a handmade gift. I sometimes wonder what people will think if I sew something for someone who does not sew, etc. but I give it with confidence anyway!

Lori said...

LOL- I'm a 'are you sure you like it? really?' kinda girl too! I think its only to be expected that when we put so much of ourselves into something we want to know that the person receiving gets that not only is it a gift, its a bit of us too- IYKWIM! Love the ribbon spool- what a great way to use them!