Friday, May 30, 2008

Lovely Day

Today was a lovely day. I not only received the Dozen's kit that I ordered, but I also received a 10 lb box of Luxe goodness. It took me about 40 minutes to go through everything and it was pure joy. I cannot wait to start creating tomorrow morning. (The light in my studio is very poor, so my night-time creating is usually done on the computer.) Plus, I'm totally inspired by the Summer Workshop being held at Bad Girls. I'm just feeling my creative cup overflowing with new ideas. I love that feeling! By the way, if you'd like to win some Luxe goodness, visit the blog and enter the many giveaways, but hurry because the deadline is fast approaching.

The baby has been moving a lot lately and that is such a magical feeling. It is like a delicious secret that the babe and I share. It is always miraculous to think that I am carrying a brand new individual. I don't care how many times I am pregnant, each one is special and exciting. And it is incredible that after getting to know my children's personalities over the years, I can see the manifested personality in utero. For example, Sweetpea wasn't much of a kicker, she was a stretcher and seemed content to just stay put. Now, if given a choice, she will read or play quietly rather than run around. Mini-Toodles gave me such food aversions that I would literally think about poultry and have to run to the bathroom to vomit. The Thanksgiving that I was prego with her, we enjoyed prime rib. (Big Man still talks about that as the most wonderful holiday ever.) Toodles is now a very picky eater, although her food-adventures have widened greatly lately. I could go on and on, but I think that I've probably exhausted your patience.

Speaking of mothers, here are some pictures of the Mother's Day gifts that I sent out this year. I couldn't post them previously because they were still in route and I didn't want to ruin the surprise for the recipients. I wrapped up boxes of fancy chocolates for the grandmothers. They turned out pretty.

Here is a sampling of the innards. Pistachio toffee chocolate squares. Yum. (No I didn't make them. Trader Joe's is a wonderful store!)

For my mother, I decorated a tin with Prima papers and a big flower. Here is a picture of the top.

And the side. I sewed on the paper before I adhered it to the tin. I like how it adds a bit of texture.

Have a wonderful weekend! We are planning on going out to breakfast tomorrow morning. The entire family is very excited. What a luxury!

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