Thursday, April 17, 2008

More Computer Issues

Well, when it rains it pours.

I called my internet provider because I was having trouble accessing my email on the library computer and they fixed the problem by deleting my entire account including the 5 days of emails that were waiting for me. The issue has now been resolved and my email is again functioning, but if you emailed me within the last 7 days and haven't heard back, it is because I never received it. I'm really hoping that my computer bad luck ends soon! I miss blogging and chatting on my messageboards! See you soon! (I hope...)


Christine said...

so sorry to hear about that, Bethany! hope your computer woes will be over soon!

Rachel said...

OMG Girl... I am having some serious computer issues aswell.... so YES when rains it sure does pour... UUUHHH.. Here's hoping both of us resolve this soon!


BethieJ said...

I WONDERED where you had been!! Hope the puter thing is all fixed FAST! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the album and layouts you shared, your work is just BEAUTIFUL Bethany!!!
Have a GREAT weekend!!!

michelle said...

hope this gets fixed soon for you!

Unknown said...

Oh that stinks - but on a better note, check out my blog - I gave you an award!

Becky said...


It was sooo nice of you to call and chat with me last night. I looked at a few of the things you have posted and love your style! You are more mixed-media than I am but that is something that I have been meaning to try so I'll have to get together with you sometime :)

So glad you have moved in to our area!