Monday, April 14, 2008

Stupid Freakish Happenings

You may notice a bit of a lull in my posting for the next week or so because I blew out my computer's motherboard. I plugged in my USB cable into the port and it caused a major short. (Even my computer dude said that it is such a freakish occurance that he's only seen it a few times.) My hard-drive is still okay which is such a major blessing, but it will be at least a week before they can get a new motherboard for me. So I am internetless at home. Right now I'm at the public library and I will check in as often as I can, but my time is limited because I can't fiddle on the computer until the evening when Big Man is home to watch the kiddos. There is almost nothing worse than trying to do serious computer work with a 3-year-old and 16-month old running rampant. So bear with me and I'll be back with loads of stuff in a few weeks!


michelle said...

argh! that sucks.. I have never heard of that happening, but like you said, the hard drive is safe!

Unknown said...

Oh man, that stinks! Hoepfully, you'll get it up and running again soon!

Christine said...

what a bummer! hope you'll get connected soon!