Yesterday afternoon we went to the park. I took my camera along to see if I could capture any winning photos in the golden light. I certainly did! Here are a few of my favorites. Poor Snukie looks a bit shocked that the sand actually ended up in her mouth. Her sad eyes are due to the fact that I had just taken a small rock from her fat fist and broken her heart for a few seconds.

Sweetpea took my breath away because she looks exactly like me as a child. Amazing. Can't wait to scrap that one!

I found Toodles to be a bit too busy for a romantic shot so her photo is slightly comedic.

Of course Mr. Moonie, always ready for the camera, posed graciously while digging, just a bit. I think that he was a lion here.
And there is something about this one of Sweetpea that captures my heart. It reminds me of evenings on the beach as a child with the salty spray blowing ever so slightly.

I can't believe how big the kids are! Thay are all so adorable, and your pictures turned out great!
Ok sorry, I really do know how to spell "they". It's really early here and I am not fully awake yet!
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