Monday, February 7, 2011

I Told Them to Wash the Dog

Believe it or not, I'm having trouble getting everything done. I know, I know. You absolutely cannot believe it. I know.

Anyway, the dogs were in dire need of a bath. I think the last time they were cleansed from claw to ear was...(sheepish cough)...6 months ago? With a newbie always in my arms, I just wasn't getting to it. So I decided to let go a bit (aka accept some imperfections) and delegate this wet chore to the small people living in our house.

I gave them a bottle of shampoo, offered a few pointers, helped them tie up the dogs (we have a mud lover), turned on the hose and left them to their own devices. After about 47 minutes, I had a fed baby, a new blog post, 2 clean dogs and this wild bunch of mooligans. (The oldest and youngest girl had long since returned to the safety of the home.)

Notice which child is holding the hose? Yep, that would be the 2 year old, Quinn. You probably can't really tell, but the child in blue (Cam) is holding a fistful of mud. Seconds after this picture was taken (before they realized that I was now observing their crazy-pants behavior) he chucked that mud at Miss Zoey.

Also, notice the muddy legs and shorts. They had been jumping. Yes, jumping in the garden soil.

Sandy made it quite clear that she not only did not appreciate her bath, but she was not in support of the backyard crew's activities.

Casey was just plain ashamed by the goings-on.

So that's how we roll around here.


Jen @ By Jen ❤️ said...

I, too, am learning to accept my "imperfections." Your dog washing experience is a cute one.

Love your new blog banner. It's new right? Well either way, I like it =)

Amy said...

Hahahaa, this post cracked me up!! Too funny!!!

Bridgett said...

Love It Bethany! That is Life being Lived!!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

LOL LOL LOL!! Loveeeeeeeeeee the photos and hehehehehehe.. I can sooooooooooo see Dandy ending up like this if I let the kids do it! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Marit said...

I would have jumped right in there... mud fights and warm weather, yeehaaa!