Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Cute Hat, Crabby Face

Just after Thanksgiving 2010, little Wyatt was blessed at church. (LDS families do not baptize their children as infants, instead they are given a blessing.) It is a beautiful ceremony during which the child's father (or another male relative) holds the baby and blesses him (or her, of course!) with all the things that he wishes for his child. Like health, a strong faith, a good relationship with his parents, an active mind, etc.

You can image that this is a special moment for a new momma.

It has become a tradition for each of the grandmas to make a quilt for my babies and to give them their quilt on their blessing day. I always take pictures of my newbie in his/her blessing outfit (each girl has worn the same outfit and each boy has worn another one) with the quilts. Because I wanted each child to have something personal to wear, I've given them each a special hat to wear on the occasion. Perhaps you'll remember this project that I completed with Quinn's bonnet. (Unfortunately, I haven't quite completed the other 5 shadow boxes. Where does the time go?)

Anyway, while I was preggo with little Wy, I searched high and low for a cute baby boy hat pattern. It wasn't easy, but I finally found the most adorable newsboy hat. I was more than excited to make it for him.

It turned out really well, if I do say so myself.

However, the boy wearing it simply would not cooperate with a semi-smile or even a somewhat happy-ish look. Nope. Not at all. And the more pictures I took, the sadder the situation.

It started off badly with my mom's quilt. Grumpy little man.

Here he is with Okie-Dokie Grandma's quilt. (Todd's mom.)

And then, I just had to push the situation. Dreadful. Just dreadful.

Yeah, it was a cute hat, though.


Amy said...

Ohhh!!! He is just PRECIOUS!!!! We don't baptize at our church either, we do something similar to the blessing, we dedicate the babies to be brought up in the Christian way (and pretty much the what the blessing says you want for the baby!) What a very sweet, and loving memory to have! And the bonnet shadow box is beautiful! The quilts are such wonderful gifts too!

Ann Marie said...

ha ha ha --- I swear Bethany, is there anything you CAN'T do?? I'm always in awe looking at everything you do and you still have time to create such goodies!

Amanda said...

it is good to document the crabby faces too. cute baby cute hat. :)

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

OMYGOODNESS Bethany!! These are JUST PRECIOUS! I loveeeeeeeeeee the traditions! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)