Friday, February 4, 2011

Good Looking Peeps

Yes, I'll admit, I'm slightly biased, but I must say...These peeps are some of the cutest things I've ever seen. Try not to kiss the screen when you see the following pics. (Especially the last littlest peep pic.)

In order of birth appearance...

Danika (9)

Zoey (7)

 Cameron (5)

Elyssa (4)

 Quinn (2)

Wyatt (3 months)

Good Heavens I love these small people!


Jocelyn said...

I love your small peeps....what a beautiful family!!!

Wishing you a great day!!!

Stac said...

Such adorable little peeps! I'd want to be kissing on them all the time too.

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Toooooooooooo cute cute cute! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

FamilyKolbaba said...

Wyatt looks so different!
Adorable :)

Daniele Valois said...

I think you might be my new hero! How do you have five children, and a new baby, and make art? Seriously, I only have three and I am dying here! :P

Rita Barakat said...

Oh my goodness those are some adorable cheek pinching perfect kids!!!

okiedokiegma said...

Thank you so much for these pics! Yes, all are totally adorable, precious,wonderful, gush,gush,gush. And my how I miss them! Both Danika and Wyatt are looking much more "grown up" since November. All of you are great!!!LYTTTTTTTTTTTTTM!