Thursday, June 3, 2010

Getting Stuff Done

I just finished reading Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project and was totally inspired to tackle some of those chores that have been weighing on my mind for months and months and months. Things like figuring out what is wrong with the old computer (the monitor went out) and tackling the installation of my Silhouette SD onto my new computer (thank you technical support!) and putting away those piles of clothes that have been sitting in my hall for months waiting to go into long-term storage. You know, things like that. Things that you build up in your mind for months until they become so grand that it is almost impossible to start.

These projects have been floating around the house waiting for me to acknowledge them, but until I read Rubin's book, I just couldn't. I just found them too overwhelming. I followed her advice (I guess I'm not the only one with long lists of stuff to do...) and wrote everything down. Everything...from finding hooks for all the aprons shoved into a shelf in the pantry (not yet completed) to figuring out the mess at the computer table (ack!).

I have to admit, writing everything down was good for a few reasons: 1. the list wasn't quite as long as I had imagined, 2. it allowed my tired brain to rest because everything was written instead of floating around, 3. it gave me a visible goal and 4. I really really like crossing things off.

So yesterday, I had an extra hour because the 4 older sweeties were playing and the youngest munchkin was happy following me around (instead of wreaking havoc on the older 4 or the dogs or the house.) I decided to tackle the old computer problem. After calling my computer savvy brother (thanks Ian!) I figured out the problem and was able to solve it. It didn't take as long as I had expected nor was it as expensive. (I know this won't always be the case...). Crossing that chore off of my list gave me such an immense feeling of satisfaction that I was able to tackle two more chores today. I feel the energy of momentum taking off here...

Here's my challenge to you. Perhaps we can work on this together? Write down all those things that you've been putting off. You know...getting the car fixed (yep, that's on my list), cleaning up the garage, going through your closet, stuff like that. And let's work on it. One thing at a time. Just one. I know that we can do this. Need a bit of motivation? Check out The Happiness Project. You'll love it.



Kristi Wodek said...

Man, I can relate to the good feeling I have when I tackle a job that I put off...too many times. I am inspired. Need to check out the book. Thanks for the idea!!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Wowwwwwwwww!! U have been busy and what a FABULOUS idea!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Marit said...

I can't, I can't... not now! I'm in the middle of finishing my workshop lessons and after that I HAVE to go through my closet, clean the kitchen (I mean, clean it WELL) and so on and so fort... but I could start making a list I guess....

Unknown said...

I really need that book-I need to tick some things off my list-well I need to make a list first!
LOVE your happiness album!!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Just sayin' :):):):):):):):):)

Thanks again for everything!! U ROCK! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Unknown said...

I've added this to my summer reading list. Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

This is my #1 way to get things done! I write down every little thing, from "paint toenails" to "buy a mop" to "clean out garage". I'm like you, I love to cross them off and visualize what I've accomplished in a day. Sometimes I write things down I've just finished just so I can cross them off. ;)