Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hat Flowers

You know those really big beautiful Prima flowers?

Yeah, ones like those. I have serious issues using those flowers on layouts that will be shoved into an album almost never to be seen again. They are so pretty and so expensive, I just can't justify it.

So, I came up with a brilliant plan. I glitter them up using Shimmerz Blingz in Pixie Dust (clear colored) or Gold Glimmer (gold colored), glue a safety pin to the back, (I've used tacky glue, but E6000 would be better. And I suppose you could use a better pin designed for this purpose too) and pin them to a cute hat. (Target has a bunch of very cute hats for very cheapy.) Then I walk around town looking so stylish.

What do you do with those gorgeous things? I'd love to hear more ideas.

Happy Day!



Jocelyn said...

I just used one of these flowers on a dress form that I made for a sweet friend of mine for her Birthday!!! It looked stunning!

I agree...way tooooo pretty to stick into an album!!

Debra said...

I haven't used mine yet - but I keep thinking about a pretty garland for the fireplace..or a rosette for a ribbon picture hanger. I love the hat idea!


Becky said...

So stylish! You are always full of great ideas :)

You could also use them as hair accessories...glue them on basic clips and/or headbands (unless they're too big...).

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love this idea!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

erin said...

oh what a great way to jazz them up! and knowing you, you'll keep coming up with ways to use them!

Mandy said...

really beautiful..i just find it hard to use flowers on pages to be honest...not that i don't love them...just not my style...but on a hat...divine!!!!xxx

Ann Flower said...

wow...these hat flowers look awesome. I have never seen anything like it. keep on posting.

Jessica said...

ooooh, Beth those are pretty great! I want one :)