Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Beach Beauty

Each month, My Little Shoebox cross-designs with another manufacturer. This month, I was lucky enough to receive a few stamp sets from Hero Arts!

Can I tell you how excited I was? I'm not sure. I was pretty darn excited.

Here's a layout that I completed using Hero Arts stamps and My Little Shoebox and a few pictures of E at the beach this summer.

I learned how to do these flowers from Lucy Edson. Aren't they marvelous? I used MLS paper and stamped with a background stamp from Hero Arts using black ink. (That is why there are dots.) I used beads as the inner part of the flower.

My title. I outlined the sticker letters to help them to stand out a bit more.

You can see how I stamped on the pink swirl. I've never done that before and I love the look.

Happy Creating!



erin said...

hi bethany
this is gorgeous! would you mind sharing how you learned to make those pretty flowers?

Vel said...

Lovely! I love that flower...and what's funny is, I picked up a big package of beads last weekend to start using as flower centers. :)

Lucy Edson said...

Love the overstamping - it added so much depth and contrast to the paper! And the flower is cute, too. ;)

What a little cutie - beach shots are my fave!

Becky said...

Not only is the LO lovely but that bottom picture of E is absolutely stunning...everything about it is gorgeous. Great job!