Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Nesting Dolls

I love Russian Nesting Dolls. I had one when I was a girl and I remember playing with it for hours. When my mom gave the girls the coolest nesting dolls ever for Christmas last year, I had to take a few pictures.

These pictures languished in a pile until I received my Hero Arts stamp set that featured none other than NESTING DOLLS! (raised voice in excitement) How cool is that? Apparently, someone over there has the same obsession. Now, if we could just get a set of stamps featuring Holly Hobby, I'd be set for life.

I used My Little Shoebox papers, stickers and die-cuts, StazOn black ink, a few buttons, ribbon from my stash and my trusty black Sharpie pen.

Close-up of my lovely dolls. I journaled on the belly of the biggest one.

My title. Originally, it said For the Love of Nesting. With LOVE and NESTING in big letters. When I took a step back, I realized that was NOT the mood I wanted to convey in this layout so I added DOLLS to make it a bit more...ummm...girl and less...well...icky.

Happy Creating!



Marit said...

I didn't know you call it "nesting dolls" teehee... love that name! Love the layout too! I'm not much of a doll-girl but I do like "Matrouschka's" (I believe that's the name overhere)

Donna said...

lovely layout. Love the colors you used.

jaz lee said...

Bethany, Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my work at BnB. mean so much to me.cox so much work put into making it ;) and WOWW loving your layouts. the diy flower on the Beach Beauty LO is so pretty ;)-jaz

Becky said...

Cutest stamps! Love the LO, of course :)