Friday, September 18, 2009

Your Dance

Cam has the cutest dance ever. He does this crazy running-in-place thing with his hands in a funny position then he spins around. I seriously love it. I was so lucky to have pictures taken of him doing his thing. (Photography courtesy of Freedom Photography (if you live in the Phoenix area

For this layout, I used the new Robots Unplugged line from My Little Shoebox.

A close-up of the journaling.

My Alcohol Ink 101 tutorial is up at The Scrap Review! I'm pretty excited about it! If you have a chance, go check it out!

Happy Weekend everyone!


Meg Giroux said...

Bethany,,,this layout is so cute!!!
I just saw your tutorial over at the next step....wowza!!! Thank you so much these flowers are just gorgeous!!

Peggy said...

haha, so cute! How wonderful that you have pics to keep the memory alive ... isn't scrapping the most wonderful thing LOL!!!!!!
xxx Peggy

Marit said...

Love that dance!!! And thanks for the alcohol ink tutorial - you took away my fear to use it!

tricia said...

Adorable! Love your doodles!! Great boy page!!