Friday, January 28, 2011

The Button-Flower Project Transcript

I'll readily admit that my studio is a total mess. Between design team obligations, CHA assignments, family activities and magazine assignments, I don't have much time to clean. My studio has become a sort of dumping ground for random stuff and it was starting to get to me. I was feeling those teetering piles start to collapse on the small space that I had reserved for creating. I decided to stay home and tackle the Button-Flower Project that had been ongoing for about 6 weeks. This was my goal: organize my buttons and paper flowers by color in pretty glass containers and place them on my shelf. This way I could find exactly what I needed when I needed it; instead of rummaging through big buckets of buttons and flowers for just the right one. I was almost done with this grand adventure and I thought that Lyssie, Quinn, Wyatt and I could spend a lovely hour working together, learning colors and sorting to our heart's content. Wouldn't that be fun? I thought.

Well...our organization/color learning/sorting hour ended up turning into two sessions of extreme patience (on my part) and kinda fun (on the kids' part). Let me give you a few select excerpts from the transcript of the two sessions to give you an idea of how lovely these mother-children times were. No colors were learned during either session, by the way.

Session One (length about 24 minutes)

Me: Okay, button helpers. Let's put the buttons into the right buckets. Reds with reds, greens with greens...
Elyssa (E): Oh Mom! Look at this beautiful pink diamond! Can I have this pink diamond?
Me: Put it in the pink bucket and you'll always be able to find it. Quinn no spitting.
E: (sad face) Ohhhh. But I love it.
Me: Yeah, I know. Quinn stop putting the buttons in your mouth. That's yucky. Do you know what color this is? (holding up red button)
Q: Blue
Me: No, it is red. Let's put it in the red bucket. What color is this one? (holding up blue button)
Q: Yeddo
Me: Almost, blue. Can you find the blue bucket? (Q puts it in the red bucket and I fish it out.) What about this one?
Quinn (Q): (snorting back mucous) I have yucky nose.
Me: Yes. It helps to blow into a tissue. Let me help you. (Failed attempt to teach how to blow a nose. By the time I'm done, I need a tissue too.)

(4 minutes pass)

Q: Dis is pink!
Me: (excited) Yeah! Good job! Put it in the pink bucket. (Q throws it into the yellow bucket. I fish it out.)
Wyatt (W): (starts to cry)
Me: Wyatt..what's the matter? Quinn stop kicking the buttons all over the room. Lyssa, you are doing a great job!

(2.5 minutes passes)

E: Mom! Look at this pretty purple flower! Ahhh! (shrill scream) Quinn just spit on me!
Me: Quinn, no spitting! Do not eat the buttons. Wyatt, are you tired? (still crying, harder now)
E: Mom, look at this beautiful green diamond! Can I have it?
Me: No. Put it with the greens. Wyatt are you ready for your nap? Quinny, stop banging the lids together. You'll break them. (W crying uncontrollably now) Okay, I think that I'm going to put baby Wy down for his nap. Lyssie and Quinny, would you like to play upstairs for a bit while I feed Wy?
E, Q: Yeah! (everyone runs upstairs)

45 minutes passes while I feed Wy, then fold some laundry

Session Two (slightly longer than session one)

Me: Okay, let's go do the buttons again! (enthusiastic, but wary)
E: Yeah! (true enthusiasm)
Q: Yeah! (true enthusiasm)
E: Ohhh! Mom, here's a sparkly pink heart! It's so sparkly I'm going to die! Can I have it?
Me: No.
E: Ahhhh. But I love it!
Me: I know. Quinn stop kicking Lyssie.
Q: I want PB!
Me: PB is in the living room. Why don't you go find him?
Q: I want PB!
Me: Then go find him. He's right over there. (pointing)

(1.7 minutes pass)

E: Mom, I think we're almost done! (at least 5 cups of buttons remain unsorted)
Me: Really? Hmmmm.
Q: (crying) I hurt ear!
Me: Ohhh poor boy...How did you hurt your ear?
Q: I hit wall. I want loves.
Me: Okay, Quinny, sit on my lap and we can love. Don't sniff back. You'll get an earache.

(3 minutes pass)

E: Mom, I want to color now.
Q: Me too!
Me: Okay, go get some paper and the crayons and you can color while I work here.

(5 minutes pass)

Me: Oh dear! Look at the clock! We have to go get Cam now! Alright everyone into the car....(inaudible chatter)

The end. Whew.


okiedokiegma said...

What a hoot! I can actually picture this scene as you are recreating it. Especially E's pleas for having the pretty buttons. Too cute and i miss them all too much! LYTTTTTTTM!

Sara Jarvie said...

So cute! Miss them too. We need to get together soon.

Anonymous said...

This is why I quit sewing. Same transcript, different kids!
Love it. You are supermom-most (me) would pop in a movie!

Ann Marie said...

hahahahah --- that's too funny!

Anonymous said...

I found you via Somerset Magazine. Great idea with the buttons and flowers. I completely understand about the balancing act and my daughter does the same thing with the embellishments, she wants them all.

Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Bethany, I've also had such lofty mother-child-teaching-time aspirations. It never plays out how I imagined it. Don't we get an "A" for effort! Good patience!

Becky said...

Love it Beth! I can so totally relate :)