Saturday, January 15, 2011

Buell Children's Museum

A few weeks after I had baby Wyatt, I got the most interesting email. It was from the Buell Children's Museum in Pueblo, Colorado.

In the letter, I was asked to be a part of the Alphabet Zoup exhibit that is open from January 6th through May 28th. Apparently, the curators had seen my French fry boxes on the cover of GreenCraft magazine and wanted me to create more boxes along with a few other pieces. (Can you believe it? I'm still in a state of shock, to say the least!)

Who would have thought that a few pieces of (previous) junk would lead to an exhibit in a museum? Not me!

In my part of the exhibit called Ya want fries with that? (for the letter Y) museum patrons will receive their very own french fry container to decorate with sequins, buttons, stamps, yarn and other lovely materials. While they create, they are surrounded by my whimsical artwork.

(This is what my kitchen table looked like as I packed up my two ginormous boxes.)

Including an army of these cuties.

This sweet girl...

This funny girl...

This guy...

This spook...

These girls (featured in Somerset Studio)...

And this piece...(all for sale, of course. Along with quite a few assorted pieces including a few mini art quilts.)

In addition to the two containers on the cover of GreenCraft, I also sent 30 more decorated ones for the museum gift shop.

This photo was taken in the middle of my gesso-ing. It was a pretty crazy time, to say the least.

 For my completed pictures, I arranged them by theme.

First, the flowers...I used loads of Shimmerz Blingz in Pixie Dust on these lovelies.




So, if you live near Pueblo, Colorado, head over to the Buell Children's Museum! My family will be taking a road trip during Spring Break this year to visit. I mean, how often is your artwork on display in a museum?



Lucy Edson said...

This is so incredible!! I'm beyond thrilled for you, sweet friend!!

Wish I could see it all on'll have to share some pics, because, how many times will your work be in a museum?!? Amazing, Beth!!!! xo

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

This is sooooooooooooooooo AMAZING Bethany!! WOW WOW WOW WOW!!!! Soooooooooooo TOTALLY COOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Alyssa said...

Wow, totally amazing!! Congrats. Well deserved. ;)

Unknown said...

Wow, Bethany! That is so exciting. Hope you have a wonderful spring break seeing your work at the museam!

Ann Marie said...

Bethany! Excellent job! You do good work --- anybody would be happy to have your work -- congrats my friend!

Marit said...

That's wonderful Bethany! Congratulations!!!

Jocelyn said...

I am so Happy for you Bethany!!!! That is such an honor!!!!!

I too wish I could see it on display!!!!

Rachel said...

OH MAN .. SERIOUSLY? SERIOUSLY? Holy smokes girl ... you completely blow me away! I am some glad I got me a Bethany original (my lil bird canvas you made me) .. you are going places sweet girl .. keep creating with the joy that you always create with! Hugs and luvs ya! XOOX

R :)

Jessy Christopher said...

Whoa! You are a truly an artist! Displaying your creations at the museum is way too cool! Love every pieces ;)

Daniele Valois said...

oh so cool. I am a few hours from Pueblo, but maybe a trip this spring will be necessary. I actually made those after Green Craft came out! I had no fry containers, so I said to my girls, we have to go get some fries!!!