He asks random questions all day long especially while we are driving. Some of these questions are about superheros: who is bigger, who is tougher, who can jump higher. Those types of things. On those questions, I do my best and if I don't know the answer we call Todd, superhero expert.
Some of these questions are about animals. If a crocodile can beat a horse, if a T. Rex bigger than a hump back whale, if a shark or a whale lives deeper in the ocean. You know. On these questions, I'm better. I know a lot about animals. But if I'm stumped, we call Uncle Ian, animal expert.
Some of these questions are about life. Why is that building so tall? Why doesn't our car have dark window's like everyone else's car? Why do trees grow? Very important ideas are discussed. The answers to these questions are usually that's just the way it is. I'm afraid Cam finds these answers the most frustrating.
I field so many questions in a day that I've almost gone on automatic.
Question. Answer.
Question. Answer.
Question. Answer.
But yesterday, Cam asked a question that made me pull the car over and write it down. I'm not a betting type of girl, but I'm willing to bet that this question has NEVER been asked in the history of questions. NEVER. It was so crazy that I really wish I could jump into his head, just for a minute, to see its origination.
Mom, if we were little guys and we were in a giant's mouth, would it be dark?
Yes, I believe it would, Cam.
Bwahahahahaha...that is without a doubt a laugh-out-loud question. What a sweetie he is!
Here is a question for C...does he know how very special he is and how much we love him? LYTM!
LOVE IT!!! He asks questions a lot at preschool, Beth :)
I wish I had written some of them down because I know that at least once he has asked me a question similar to the one about being in a giant's mouth...I remember looking at him and wondering WHERE in the world the question had come from (he he).
Great photo too by the way--what a handsome litte man :)
I've heard a lot of questions from MY son, silly ones, serious ones, "just-to-say-something" ones... but NEVER EVER did I hear this question!!! Cam's one of a kind!
OMGoodness! That is absolutely adorable! Cherish these times while you have he is asking adorably, sweet questions. Soon it will be true life questions...the kind that causes sleepless nights should you get it wrong! Of course, you eventually get to theo point where you go to THEM for the answers! LOL!
That is so great that he is so curious and that you are so creative at describing it. Love your blog. And the photo is great!
lol That mouth question is soooooo FUNNY! Bradley doesn't ask questions... he says CRAZY SWEET and funny things all day long. Plus he makes up songs. I have a book of "Bradley Sayings" I keep on my desk... so I never miss anything ;)
here is a layout I did about it
Don't ya just love little guys???!!!
Oh my cutest question ever! What a handsome, sweet guy that Cam is!
Bethany, thank you for the laugh, I needed it! What an imagination your little man has! I enjoyed reading your creative writing. I hope you and your family are doing well? Mine is growing taller and rowdier. Lots of love, Sarah C.
I love it and he is sooooo cute!! I had a son that had endless questions.The other think that he dis was disassenble every thing in sigh to see how it worked.
Enjoy every minute, it is gone too soon!
hahaha, okay, now this is funny and certainly worth writing down. Thanks so much for sharing and giving me a good laugh!
xxx Peggy
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