Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Kindergarten Graduation

Yesterday, this sweet girl graduated from Kindergarten and I cried through half the ceremony.

I wasn't just prettily weepy like most mothers, dabbing the corner of their eyes with a nicely pressed hanky. Oh no, not me. I had tears flowing down my cheeks, a steadily dripping nose and no tissues. D just looked at me in shock as I would have had I been sitting next to me.

My goodness.

On a more normal note, our next tutorial is up at The Next Step. Gayle did a beautiful job re-making pattern paper.

Also, My Little Shoebox is filled with blog inspo. Even little me has a layout featured.

This month I'm guesting at Lotus Paperie so be sure to check it out. My first project will be up on Friday. I seriously love it.


Amy said...

Aww! She is so sweet! I am sure I will be the weeping mother in the front row with a giant box of tissues blubbering over Emma and Noah graduating lol! And congrats on gd for LP! Very cool! I will have to check it out!

Peggy said...

Look at that sweet smile! We don't have a kindergarten graduation here, but if we had, I might have shed a few tears myself. It's such a milestone, the baby-years are definitely gone now.
Congratulations on your GD spot!
Thanks for your sweet comment on my "The Next Step" LO. I have never submitted anything for publishing and I don't think I will any time soon, I don't handle rejection very well LOL. Just kidding of course! I might try this in the future, when I feel a little more confident about my work, but ... I wouldn't know where to look, I have no idea how to get something published. But like I said, it's not an issue yet. However, your commend did make my day!
Love xxx Peggy