Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sewing on a Rainy Day

Last Thursday was a drizzly overcast day and for some reason on such days, I love to bake and sew. Luckily, I had a few projects awaiting that mood. I made Z a bag for her piano books. The straps turned out a bit long, but otherwise it was a success. That is after I picked it out the first time because I unthinkingly sewed the wrong sides together. (Making it inside-out.) Where did my brain go during those few minutes? I'm not sure. I hope she had a nice vacation though.

Yes, that is our backyard in the background. We haven't quite gotten to landscaping. But, I'm hoping after summer's heat we will get some grass and some trees going even though the weeds are delightful. Really.

I also made E a little t-shirt dress. I had to practice (with my good bud Becky) because I was scheduled to teach a few women how to make this very dress the next day at a service project. Good thing it was easy, huh? E adores her new "heart" dress. Wears it all the time. What a gratifying project!

Tinkerbell wings not included.


Aihara Ramintessah Sanchez said...

oh how I wish I have a sewing machine.Lovely projects darl!

Becky said...

Love the heart you added to E's dress! She and the dress are both adorable :) It was great to get together even though my machine was being a beast!