Monday, May 25, 2009

First Two Done

As promised, here are the first two layouts that I did with the May Create My Keepsake kit. I absolutely loved the colors. Sherbet. Slurp...

The first layout is of C and my littlest bro, F. C completely adores F in a hero-worshipping kinda way. And really, I couldn't ask for a better role-model for my guy.

My second layout is my favorite. I knew the moment I saw the background paper (Making Memories) what needed to be done. (The army green isn't my own doodles. It is the paper. Cool huh?) The picture (my Dad and little E) was taken by my good friend and professional photographer, Sara.

That black polka dot paper on the left is actually the packaging from the black sticker letters. (Heidi Swapp) Once I placed the title, I needed a bit more black so that's what I had on hand. Same with the stars. They were punched from the packaging too. There is a nice visual triangle between the three.

I found out last week that I won the American Crafts weekly challenge! There were some gorgeous entries. I'm not sure how they could possibly choose only one, but I'm quite excited and flattered.

Also, you must stop by The Next Step because we posted the RAKs for this month. One of them will be given out to someone who comments on the post. So go comment!


Aihara Ramintessah Sanchez said...

Youre right hun!Second one is so cool!!!LOve love the pps.You rock this kit hun!

Lucy Edson said...

This kit is fabulous!! Love the bright fun colors and you make it look so good! Love the doodling that you added to the MM page! :)

Diana Waite said...

Bethany, you blow me away! the doodles are AWESOME!! Thanks for sharing your pages!

Peggy said...

WOW, they are both so gorgeous, especially the second one. I've never seen a LO quite like that one before, your style is unique and refreshing!
xxx Peggy

Becky said...

Both layouts are fantastic! You really are so talented, Beth :)