This wonderful feeling reminds me of spring in Illinois. After a long slushy, cold winter, the weather would finally start warming up. I would put on my shorts and tee and run outside barefoot. Of course, in Arizona, I'm happy that it is cooling down and in Illinois, I was happy when it warmed up, but the feeling is the same. I feel like I have wings and can now stretch them out and fly. Wonderful wonderful day.
I'd like to thank Ivy for her wonderful baby announcement suggestions. My wheels are turning thanks to your inspiration! And as for your question about cameras. My mom has a Nikon D70 and loves it. Actually, I believe that she has the newer model now, but both are wonderful. I suggest going into a camera store and testing them out. See which one feels right in your hands. I personally like a bigger camera. It just feels solid, but others want something lighter and smaller. It is all personal. Hopefully, that helps a bit.
Isn't the weather wonderful?!
What a dollie!! Beth she looks so much like you. I miss Arizona, I remember the relief of the summer finally winding down, but now you've got the whole winter to have pleasant weather. I'll be stuck shoveling driveways and bundling up kids in parkas. I miss Arizona more and more all the time!! Take care Beth. Miss you like crazy.
P.S. We live about 10 minutes from Corey! Small world eh? We bump into them every so often.
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