Friday, September 5, 2008

Late Night Madness

I used to be so responsible. I'd go to bed around 9 PM, read for awhile and fall asleep by 10. I woke up feeling refreshed and rested. That was, until last week when I pulled a 11:30 work night. I enjoyed myself so immensely that I've had trouble getting to sleep before 10:30 every single night. I am tired all day long (and look it!) and yet, every night, I get this weird energy burst and I just have to read, or play or do something fun. I'm not able to sleep in either. I still get up at 5:30 AM so that I'm ready for the day before I wake the kiddos.

I love the quiet of the night. The lack of interruptions. I love being able to do whatever I darn well please. I don't know if I can stop. I'm becoming addicted. I know that I'll crash soon and when I do, everyone around me better watch out because I'll be a seriously GRUMPY MOMMA, but until then, I'm having fun. And I feel wonderful. Just being me. Drinking hot chocolate, listening to my music and scrapping or just sitting in the half-dark in the loft reading those darn Twilight books. I'm almost done. Thank goodness.

I never used to be a night owl. My brother, D, is a major owl. I never understood him. I used to be a morning person. I still like the morning, but I can't do stuff in the morning because the moment I start moving, E wakes up. It's like she can sense the energy in the house. I can get away with showering and dressing, but if I go downstairs it seems that everyone is suddenly up and ready for the day. And that just doesn't work for me. I need about 30 minutes of alone time before I encounter anyone to be at my best. If I don't have that time, I feel rushed and anxious all day long.

I'm not sure what's happening to me, but I guess I'll just go-with-the-flow. That is, until I hit a big boulder of exhaustion.


Jackie Plank said...

Welcome to the world of Night Owls. What you are discribing is exactly why I became a night owl, it is the only time I am really energized and motivated.

Mara Campbell said...

I am so not a night owl!!! I hope you are doing well, Bethany!

Kirsty said...

I *heart* staying up late, but gosh I hate those early mornings...

Becky said...

Welcome to my world, girlfriend! It's one of the only times I can get stuff done...

Of course, the morning can be pretty rough and there's no way I'll be getting up at 5:30 anytime soon, but I do OK on about 6 hours of sleep...

P.S. Thanks sooo much for calling yesterday afternoon and coming over and restoring my sanity :)

Becky said...

Hey, Beth--when you get home from church I need your objective opinion...when you get a chance head over to my blog and read the "It's My Life" post and comments and please weigh in with your thoughts. thanks, sweetie!