Tuesday, August 5, 2008

First Day of School

Technically, yesterday was the girls' first day of school, but today was C's. So today I officially celebrate school's start.

D and Z had pretty good days yesterday. There were a few misunderstandings and mishaps, but overall, by the time T came home, they decided that it was a positive day. And C absolutely loved his first day. He asked if he could go again as he entered the car. I got a little teary dropping him off (he was all smiles) just because it is hard to see your cute little one walk away, but both E and I survived our first morning alone together. We got of errands done which is always nice. And it is certainly a change to have only 1 with me while shopping. Wow. A lot less chatting and a lot less chaos.

Onto a completely different topic, I had quite a few wonderful suggestions when I requested egg cup help a few posts ago and I wanted to thank all of you! Kathryn especially went above and beyond the call by providing me multiple links to adorable egg cups. I'm currently deciding on which ones I should order. I love them all! So thanks sweetie!

And Margo asked me how I cook my eggs which makes me giggle because I am the most forgetful of cooks. So my advice may not be very useful. This is what I do. I fill my pot with about 5 inches of water. I fill the bottom of the pot with eggs (with less wiggle room, they don't get too excited and crack themselves). And I set them on heat to boil. Once they are boiling, if I don't forget that they are there, I turn off the heat, cover them and let them sit for 10 minutes. If I do forget they are there, I let them boil until I remember them. Sometimes that is 10 minutes sometimes that is a bit longer. So my methods are not exactly reliable. I usually boil a lot more eggs than I plan to use that morning because I love egg salad sandwiches for lunch. Yum.

Off to pick up the sweeties from school! Have a wonderful afternoon!


Sri said...

Awww...they look cute! My oldest has to wear uniform too at her elementary school. Thank goodness!! I thot that was a great idea!

Margaret said...

LOL girl thanks I wasn't sure if yoiu did that soft boil thing. I don't think I have ever had one of those.

I can't believe its school time already. I registered Miranda for 8th today. We start in 3 weeks.