Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Better Day

Today was a much better day for the school girls and I. I guess it takes us about 3 days to adjust to a new schedule. Both girls were full of news when I picked them up and the younger two played beautifully together this morning while I did the housework. I'm glad things seem to have settled down because the past few days have had me in a major frenzy.

Although, while I write this, I have a screaming boy in timeout and a little girl who didn't get a nap because I had a OB appointment. Let the witching hour begin.

Speaking of frenzy, check out this hair. Isn't she cute? This is D when she was about 1.5 years old. I went through some old pictures the other day and just loved this one. Really, when I look at this picture, it could be any one of three of my offspring. I didn't realize how similar they are in appearance. Funny how a mother doesn't notice those very obvious things sometimes.

One of my layouts is featured on the Luxe blog today so if you have time, check it out. I need to attend to my tired small folk before the verbal intensity increases in volume any more. Yipes!


Margaret said...

Glad to hear that they schedule is starting to come together. I am preparing for our start now but I agree it takes a good couple of days to get in the swing of it all.

Becky said...

Cute pic! I'm so glad that things went a bit better yesterday afternoon...I have lost track of the number of times I have been close to tears in the last two days--things seem to be getting worse for me!

Kataroo said...

i love the pirate lo, the red is really dirty cool.