Wednesday, June 11, 2008

On Superheros and Tattoos

We are really into Superheros in this family thanks to T's influence. As a child he was a major comic book reader and whenever we go to the bookstore, I know that I can find him in one of two places: in the sports section or in the comic section. He doesn't buy them anymore, but he still keeps up with all the story lines which I think is really cute. Don't tell him I told you though, I think he might be, ummm, a slight bit embarrassed.

On Thursday evening, T came home with three temporary tattoos: Spiderman, Dr. Doom and the Green Goblin. After a small skirmish, it was decided that D would take Spiderman, Z would take Dr. Doom and C would take Green Goblin. They were pretty large tattoos so they needed some serious surface area. Z and C placed theirs on their bellies and D put hers on her thigh.

This guy couldn't wait to show his swim instructor his cool belly tattoo. Luckily, Devon was about as impressed as one could be.

This will probably be D's first and only thigh pic displayed on the internet.

I thought that this would be the end of the tattoo fun, but no way. All three of them either hiked up their apparel and ran around pretending that they were the superhero or villain tattooed to their body. It was really funny watching them bellies out and thighs exposed as they ran around the family room screaming and pretending to do super acts like shoot webs or destroy the world.
Spiderman felt a bit overwhelmed by the two super villains so she recruited super baby, E, to help her out. I must admit that Super E wasn't much help against Dr. Doom and the Green Goblin, but she turned out to have healing powers and she went around to each of the fallen heroes, poked their belly button and restored their lives. It worked out well like that.

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