Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I've Got Flair

For a Scrap Friends review, I took this lovely little recipe box....

Is that crusty cookie dough on the front?

and made this using Flair products.

April, one of the Flair designers, liked it so much that I'm featured on their blog! What an honor! You can read all about how I made this on my Scrap Friends blog.

Yesterday was one of those days when I was just so plum tuckered out that I went to bed immediately upon putting all the sweeties down. I awoke this morning feeling much less weepy. We even made the trek to the library (an enormous undertaking) and checked out around 37 books. (Luckily, I have many hands to help carry.) D has been reading around 2 books a day and Z is starting to read too. Not to mention what C and E read with me. So we needed a lot of input for those expanding minds. As a mother, I've noticed much growth this summer and it is so very gratifying.

I've noticed that I'm feeling more and more at home here in our new house. I have D and Z enrolled in an exciting new school, C is enrolled in preschool, I've found an OB that is less than an hour away, and we've begun to establish ourselves. I've settled into a homemaking routine that allows me to more-or-less keep up with the housework. My studio is almost organized thanks to my friend, Megan who lent me all of her books on the topic. I'm feeling much more at peace. I know that I've blogged about this previously, but I really had no idea how disruptive moving would be on my mental state and on the family. I think that we are finally finding a new groove.


Becky said...

um, wow!! What an awesome project! I'm so proud of you and wish I could make the time to do as much crafting as you.

Hope my kids didn't contribute too much (or outright *cause*) your exhaustion and weepies!

I have to say one more time--thank you, thank you, thank you for telling us about the school! And thank you for moving are an answer to my prayers (no pressure or anything!). :)

Jessy Christopher said...

Wow, such a beautiful altered item!!! You are always so creative!!