Monday, June 9, 2008

Gifts of Mayo

A few weeks ago my brother, Nate, and sister-in-law, Mandy, gave me a lovely gift. It was something that I've never previously received as a gift and it was just so thoughtful. You can see a picture of it below.

I was slightly confused as to why I was bestowed so generously with this token of affection until they told me to look at the BEST IF USED BY date. A picture of it can be seen below.

Yes, it expired about a year and a half ago. That was when I started laughing and I totally understood why they saved this for me. I am scared of mayo.

You see, it all started when I took microbiology in college. (By the way, I LOVED that class and wanted to become a microbiologist after taking it.) During my studies, I learned all about food poisoning and I developed very severe mayo issues. One of the first outings with Nate and Mandy, Ian and Jessica (my other brother and sister-in-law) we went to a pool party where they were serving picnic foods including potato salad that appeared to be sitting in the sun for at least a few hours. I forbid anyone to touch it and told them all about bad potato salad and the evil that ensues if you partake of it. I do not eat mayo of mysterious origin: I only partake if I have prepared it myself and I know that it is kosher. Mandy thought that I was pretty funny and has teased me about my mayo issues ever since. So now you know, I am afraid of mayo. I do have other more normal fears like my house burning down or loved ones dying so you don't need to think that I'm totally bizarre.

I hope that you had a good weekend. This weekend was just a lovely time of rejuvenation for me. On Thursday night a group of friends came over to visit the house. We didn't do much beside eat and chat, but I woke up the next day totally relaxed, in love with my family and ready to tackle the world. It was wonderful just to talk to good friends. I hadn't realized how lonely I was after moving. Then, on Saturday, I redeemed my Mother's Day gift certificate for a morning at the spa. I took an issue of Home Companion and spend 4 hours getting pampered in complete peace. I came home inspired to start new projects. So today, I'm feeling really great. I've already finished one layout for Luxe and have another project in the works. Very exciting!


Anonymous said...

Looks as if the photos were taken
outdoors! Does that indicate you are too afraid to bring the expired mayo into your house? Thoughts of "spoiled" mayo lurching from the closed glass jar???

Shane, Meg, CJ, RJ, and AL said...

How funny because when I first looked at the expiration date, I was wondering where I could find me some of that magic stuff with the 100-year shelf life!!! I totally thought that it said 3007! I thought there had to be some kind of mistake...oh wait, there was, I was not reading it properly.

Coming to your home was so inspiring to me. It is always wonderful to see you, but the spirit in your home with all of that cleanliness and those happy kiddos is so inspiring. We all just loved taking the break and being able to visit you! I hope you haven't given up on me coming to play because I really want to now more than ever!

Ania said...
