Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Big Day

It was another big day here as this girl became a 2nd grader! I am very proud of her as she had to change schools with only 7 weeks to go in the year because of our move. Not only did she handle the situation with grace and aplomb, but she really soared. Way to go sweetie! (Yes, she does her own hair, so that is why it is so luxurious and well-styled. She gave up on me a long time ago.)

Now, we have about a week of free time before swimming lessons begins and four mornings a week are entirely devoted to chlorine.

And on a personal note, I was reading my June/ July Somerset Memories magazine and got to the end only to see Toodles looking back at me from its pages! A few of my layouts are being published in the August/September issue and they used her as a teaser for it. (Let me tell you, it worked! I'll be purchasing the next issue for sure!) It took me completely by surprise and it was thrilling to actually see one of my creations in print. I don't know what I'm going to do when the actual article comes out. Like what do I do if I see the magazine in the store? Should I open to my page and leave it carelessly in the rack? I have many scenes playing in my head and it causes me endless amusement just before falling asleep. And now you know how easily amused I am.


okiedokiegma said...

A big hurrah for our sweetest SweetPea ever! Changing schools is never the easiest thing to do, so I congratulate Miss D on a very mature accomplishment. She seemed to have "aged" the most when we visited---was it the new hairstyle-the school uniform-the agility at playing Lego Star Wars with Mom-the confidence of the move to a new home, school, and ward? Whatever the reason, this just shows us how well she is going to handle whatever curves come her way in the future. Love you tooooo much! Dokie Gammaw

okiedokiegma said...

Oops...A big hurrah is in order for Mom too! Let me know where to find this magazine. That is too cool-but not so unexpected. Too much talented waiting to be shared with everyone else. Enjoy this special experience! You deserve it. LYTM.

Becky said...

Definitely leave it open to your layout...heck, grab a handful and open them to your page and create your own in-store display! :)

CONGRATULATIONS! That is just awesome, Bethany!

And, congrats to Danika too (did I spell her name right?). I'm so glad you guys moved in the ward...

Lori said...

Woo hoo- congrats Bethany! I got my first copy of Somerset the other day and its fab so I'll definitely be being 'your' issues when they make it across the pond! My friend ran up and down the supermarket aisles with a mag when she first got published screaming 'that's me, that's me' but I'm sure you'll have a bit more dignity about it!

Broe said...

Congratulations to you! That is very exciting, but not suprising. Your Art is incredible!