Thursday, February 28, 2008

Cracking Toast Grommit

I did a little photo shoot at the park the other day and snapped up this winner. Toodles was really into modeling for me so I had to act on it. She has such personality this one. Today as we were creating together at the kitchen table, she came up with "Cracking toast Grommit." (It is a line from a Wallace and Grommit movie.) I just busted with laughter.

In fact, I like it so much that it may become one of my catch phrases. Along with "a little slice of heaven" and "muffin cup of love."

I've been busy recently with quite a few projects. I have 2 mini albums in the works along with a few cards and a layout. Needless to say, my scrap table has exploded into a scrap table, kitchen table and a few chairs. I told Big Man a few days ago that I don't know what happened. I was so neat and tidy. Perhaps my true personality just burst out of that tidy lady that momentarily possessed my body.

I just have so many ideas bouncing around my head that I just can't keep them all in. In fact, the weirdest thing happened to me while I was looking at pattern paper the other day. I looked at these two bizarro patterned papers and instead of thinking, "how would anyone use that? Those are crazy!" like I normally do, it was like the papers were talking to me. I just knew exactly what to do with them. So, of course, I had to order a few sheets. I think the crazy-paper-conversation is a probably the result of me trusting my inner artist more. So she feels more confident manifesting herself. It is a wonderful feeling. I highly recommend it.


Anonymous said...

Lovin that Shot Bethany! Wish I would've taken more park photos when my kids were that age!

Tiersa McQueen said...

I totally know what you mean about the "inner artist talking to you". Everytime I get an idea in my head that will not come out, when I finally make the layout it comes out perfect! Exactly (or better than) how I imagined it. When I don't trust myself it ends up not so nice. To thine own self be true!

Anonymous said...

I usually have the next conversations with myself also but, can you pass some of your mojo my way...I could really use some.
Beautiful little girl you her mama.

okiedokiegma said...

I'm not the creative person that you are...I am a imitator, or at least just a pattern follower. I think it is so great how very creative and inventive you are with all this great stuff that you share with us. But I am extremely partial to the most special spirit in your photo, along with your other 5 models used in your pages (that includes Big Man and yourself). Love to all!

Unknown said...

That shot sure is a winner! What a beautiful little model.