Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I certainly did. I learned last year that I don't need to get crazy in the kitchen to have a wonderful meal. I made less pies and less side dishes and everyone was still happy. (Me especially!) I had a wonderful time with my family and actually enjoyed being with them instead of laboring in the kitchen all day. I'm a bit saddish that the day is over and my parents and sisters and brother are flying back home tomorrow, but such is life.

I know that I've been a bit MIA this last week. I was considering trying out for Creating Keepsakes Hall of Fame so I've been working on my application like a crazy lady, but yesterday I realized that my heart was telling me that this wasn't what I was supposed to be doing right now. I had been feeling, well, conflicted about it and once I made the decision not to try out, I felt so peaceful and happy that I actually danced a bit of a jig. Well, maybe it wasn't a jig, more of a jumping-with-arms-flapping, but it was a dance nonetheless. It is amazing how my heart just Knows. And when I try to disregard it's voice, I just feel not-quite-right. So, back to the reason why I've been gone all week...I was working and planning all my secret layouts, but now that I am no longer trying out, I can post away. So in the next month I will have a plethora of pretties for your perusal. Can't wait to show you!

1 comment:

Broe said...

You are just too fun to read about! Love that you were considering trying out for HOF. I also understand the conflicted part. That happens to me a lot. I love all the little reminders that keep our priorities in order.