Monday, March 7, 2011

Soccer Star

We really enjoyed soccer season this year with 3 children in the program. It was Lyssie's very first year in the four year old group. (She was so proud to be big enough to play!) She loved running around waving her beautiful ponytail behind her. I have to admit, she was one beautiful princess soccer player...

Cam and Zo were on the same team which was really fun. (Too bad Zo moves up to the older league next season.) It was amazing to see how much each of them improved by the end of the 6 weeks.

The last game of the season for Zo and Cam's team was incredibly exciting. They really played hard and by the end of the game the score was tied 1-1. So they lined up for penalty kicks. I was a nervous wreck (bye-bye fingernails!) when Zo was chosen to defend against the other team as the goalie, but I needn't have worried. She blocked every single kick: with her hands and with her chest. It was amazing. Nothing got past her. I was so proud of her!

Then, as if I needed more...every player had finished kicking his/her penalty kick and the score was still 1-1. That is everyone except for Zo. She was the very last person. The ball was placed on the ground. She backed up. Focused. Ran toward the ball. Kicked it with all her might...the ball soared...and...

She SCORED! Winning the game! I shrieked with joy! (And, I caught the game winning shot...yeah me!)

Whew, just writing about it, makes my heart thump a bit faster! I'm one proud momma.


Jocelyn said...

Great pics....what an exciting shot!!! WOOHOO!!!

Congrats and you have a right to be a PROUD MOMMA!!!

Have a great week!

Dawn said...

beautiful shots...beautiful kids and what fun moments!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

AWESOME photos!!!! CONGRATS to the team! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Becky said...

My kids talked about Zoe's kick for days! Yay for soccer season (and bigger yay now that it is over-lol)! :)

Irma said...

great photos!
I saw your feature in the Somerset Studios Apprentice and just wanted to let you know how much I related to it--made me smile and nod at every one of your lines, because it could have been written by me :)
Thanks for sharing your work!