Friday, March 4, 2011

Best Mail Day Ever

This week my momma sent me a wonderful package filled with home sewn goodness. It was really fun to open a box filled with such love.

She made me the best diaper bag/purse ever. It is big enough to fit almost everything in my life: diapers, changes of clothes, toy trucks, wallet, phone, sketch pad, books and magazines. I totally love it. Plus, it is really mod and the straps are wide enough that they don't cut into my shoulder. I'm seriously styling now!

She also sent the cutest pants ever for baby Wy. You can't tell me that this bum-bum pic doesn't make you smile. I simply won't believe you.

And these cuffs are to die for, n'est-ce pas?

Plus, the pants are reversible which makes them even more fun. I've already placed another order for at least 3 more. (giggle...)

This week has been a busy one creatively even though I can't share any completed projects yet. I've been working on a few pieces as a contributor for a new technique book coming out. Pretty darn exciting, I must say. Although, I'm feeling a slight bit of pressure. I'm also finishing up my April class videos and getting that all organized. Sometime next week, I need to edit 3 hours of footage which is slightly daunting, to say the least. All I can say is that when you sign up for my class, you will certainly get your money's worth! It will be packed. I'll share some sneak peeks at the end of next week. Be on the look out!

Have a fun weekend!


Mandy said...

that bag is amazing and those little pants so darn cute!!!xxx

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Ohhhhhhhhh I love love love that purse and those PANTS...omygoodiness!! I want some for Brookie!! They are sooooooooooooo CUTE!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Daniele Valois said...

And Dr. Suess' birthday was this week how fitting! Great purse!

Becky said...

A.! I want his pants....