Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Scenes from the Park

Yesterday the youngest 3 and I spent some time at the park. (The old fogies were all in school.) The park is such a wonderful place to snap fun pictures. Here are a few that I particularly enjoy.

I was lucky enough to accompany this cool dude. If you read this post, you will understand how much that spikey hair fits his personality.

This picture looks more dangerous that it actually was. Don't worry, she didn't fall on her head. (She's just a very vigorous pumper.)

My favorite picture. Love those stripey socks and heart shoes. This was a lucky shot.

I've decided to tote my camera around more often so I can capture the regular times. I am currently reading a few amazing photography books that my momma gifted me for Christmas. I'm not sure how my mom always finds the bestest books, but she does. I'm learning so much about light, angles, viewpoint. Of course, now I want a fancy-dancy camera. Better get my etsy shop going, huh? But, even without a fancy-dancy camera, I'm still able to apply the lessons and improve my photographic skills. Such fun!


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

BEAUTIFUL photos Bethany! I am going to check out those books! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Marit said...

Those heart shoes are adorable!!! And you are going to make even better photos..??? Can that be - I think your photos are already perfect!!

joan said...

Outstanding photos, Beth.