Monday, February 21, 2011

What I've Learned

As a younger mother, I watched misbehaving little boys and wondered what was wrong with their mother. Unfortunately, I used to be quite judgmental, in that way. That is until I had this sweet boy.

My little pistol.

My little guy has taught me that anything. And I mean anything that can be climbed will be climbed. And jumped off with sometimes disastrous results.

He's taught me that my sternest face that causes even flowers to wilt, means nothing. Absolutely nothing.

He's taught me that the pickle jar should never be located on the bottom shelf of the fridge.

He's taught me that the open Oreo package should be located up high. Very high. Outside, in the garage. Under lock and key.

He's taught me that anything that can be thrown will be thrown. Hard. Usually at someone.

He's taught me that anything that could possibly be used as a weapon will be. Probably against the dog or an older sister.

And yet, he's also taught me that when you fall off of the ladder at the playground. You cry. Get a hug and maybe a kiss. And get right back on that ladder. Just to prove it to the world that you can do it. Then you do it twice. Just to stick it to 'em.

He's also taught me that singing should be done at full throttle and at random.

He's also taught me that naps and baths are God's gift to mommas who have-had-it-up-to-here.

He's also taught me that sometimes you have two choices: to laugh or to cry. Laughing is a lot more fun.

He's also taught me that no matter how tough you are, how fearless you seem on tall playground equipment, you still need your momma. And no matter how tough your momma is, she still needs her little guy.

He's also taught me that the biggest hearts are found in mischievous little boys. Which is probably why they are so mischievous in the first place: their little bodies can't contain all that heart without bursting once in a while.

And my heart bursts just a little when I think about him.

Love my guy.


Alyssa said...

I could have written this post, although probably not as well. I have one of "those" boys too, and I love him dearly. I also hang on to my hat as we race at lightning speed through each and every day!

Ann Marie said...

Awww -- how sweet is that!!! I have no children so I don't know the depth but I like what I'm reading!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Such a sweet post... I loveeeeeeeeee it...and I swear I could have written this about adam! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Diane Ross said...

thank you so much!

Heidi Kelley said...

mmm... I have one of those boys in the making. A beautiful, wonderful, post. Especially the "their little bodies can't contain all that heart without bursting once in a while."
That is going down in my quote book - next to your name :)

Aunt Marilyn said...

Yep...those little boys really tug at Momma's hearts. And if you're lucky they will grow up to be some of Mom's very best friends! They are wonderful after all is said and done! Love him and squeeze him tight....he will grow up way too fast!

joan said...

I would add that: When these little guys grow up they have the biggest hearts. When these little guys grow up you miss them horribly. When these little guys grow up their giftsd to you make you cry with heart tears. When these little guys grow up you miss the little guy. Love you . Mom