Friday, October 22, 2010

Shopping for a Bus

With the arrival of the 6th little Kartchner in a few weeks, I am forced against my will to trade-in my lovely-ish mini-van for a slightly larger vehicle so that the car seat children aren't located right next to each other.

(I'd like my sweet baby to survive his car trips, after all...)

Todd and the kids are pushing for this.

Yes, they think this is quite funny. Quite.

I, on the other hand, do not see much humor in this situation.



Ann Marie said...

coming from a gal who has no kids and four cats, it looks pretty funny ..... lol.

Ashley Harris said...

Hey, I love my bus!!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

hehehehehehehe! I can just see you driving this through the streets of Phoenix! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Marit said...

HIHIHI... I think it's funny! Your hubby's humor is mine! WootWoot - Go Bethany!

Anonymous said...

I think it IS funny!!
You don't have to trade again I guess ;)

erin said...

too funny...

JgWM said...

The color is all wrong ( way too ostentatious) and the side doors will not work with small children. Men do not think of those things. What did you decide on?- Gayle

Alyssa said...

LOL! Too funny. Although I wouldn't want to drive one either, so I suppose I am on your side. :)

heidi said...

Oh, girl! That's just too 19 Kids and Counting!!! LOL.