Monday, October 25, 2010

Fall Break

You may have noticed that my posts have been slightly less frequent. One may say...sporadic...lately. Well, it isn't without good cause. We've been quite the busy little bunch.

Let's see....a few weeks ago, the bigger kids were off of school for their 2 week fall break. We had a wonderful time visiting places, organizing for the newest guy and just relaxing. I, personally, enjoyed the slower mornings and later evenings.

We went to the zoo on a stinking hot day. (Needless to say, by about 1:36 PM, my preggo body started to slow and we stopped for special slushies on the way home.)

The sweeties had a wonderful time seeing all the animals. Including the new koala bears. (That was fun.)

Quinn was totally in love with the giraffes while Zoey took copious notes on every single animal, bug and interesting thing that we encountered. Cam took copious pictures while Dani was our map reader. Elyssa borrowed my camera quite a few times to take a few shots herself. It was fun for me to observe all of their personalities coming out as we explored.

Later that week, we went to the Science Museum. It had been quite a few years since our last visit. The kids had an absolutely wonderful time. And, since it was air-conditioned indoors, I was comfortable and happy too. We ended up staying all day.

Lyssie enjoyed the pulley room. This was her favorite thing.

Quinn loved the big legos. I promise. Towers are his specialty.

One of the special presentations that we happened to hit was a cow eye dissection. Once I realized what they were going to do, I felt slightly nervous because I have one girl who won't touch a worm and is quite the squeamish little thing.

At first, the two older girls expressed their displeasure and I was about ready to slip out when I spied Cameron utterly and completely enraptured. The boy couldn't take his eyes off of that eye ball. Even though the other 4 weren't so thrilled, we stayed to the end.

When, to Cam's immediate satisfaction, each child was allowed to touch the various pieces of cow eye (wearing gloves of course.) I think that Cam was the first kid in line. Zoey, by this time, had changed her tune and also ran up to smoosh and pet. Dani, not wanting to be left out, too got in line. I couldn't believe it. Afterward, each of them was pleased as punch and we discussed the event almost the entire evening.

During fall break, Dani also memorized her part in her school drama club presentation. She is playing the part of Pinocchio and has really stepped up to this difficult role. I'm so proud of her.

"Mom...they gave me the part of a boy..." was the first thing she said to me after the parts were assigned. Of all the horrors.

I've been sewing and prepping her costume so she can be the cutest girl dressed like a boy ever. (Even if her nose is a bit long...)

We've also been quite involved with soccer season. Both Zo and Cam are playing. I've really enjoyed watching them from the sidelines. Last season, I coached Zoey's team. (Badly, I might add.) It was difficult to keep the younger children happy while focusing on the needs of the team. I decided to let the professionals coach this year and I'm much less anxious and harried. I'm in a much better place now.

Fall break ended up being a lot shorter than we wished and each of us struggled with getting back into the routine. However, now that we are in the routine again, everyone seems quite happy. I miss having the older kids at home though. They are so helpful and they entertain the younger ones beautifully. Already looking forward to Christmas break!


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

What a FUN time!!! Wellllll except for the cow! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Marit said...

Christmas break will be here in no time Bethany... you had beautiful days and I love all the smiling faces on the photos!

Staci Taylor said...

I can't believe your new little one will be here so soon!! what great pics - they are all adorable, and it sounds like you had a lot of fun with them at home alone :-) Eww on the cow eye though lol.

Becky said...

You inspire me; I'm so grateful you are my friend!

Can't wait to see you driving a bus :)