Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Project Completed

As most of you are aware, the last months of my life have been dedicated to making my dress and my 3 daughters' dresses for my brother's reception.

It was a project that caused me many tears and frustrations. I think that I used my seam ripper just as much as my scissors especially when it came to those 4 stinking zippers. I almost (on multiple occasions) threw everything away and gave up the entire idea. (I think that it was sheer stubbornness on my part that prevented me from doing so.) It was only when I saw all my girls and I looked at myself all decked out at the reception that I felt extremely proud of my accomplishments.

The girls looked so beautiful.

And the entire crew was so impressive, I had to wonder where they all came from...

Somehow, now all the frustrations have melted away and I'm itching to take on another sewing project. Perhaps not of this magnitude, but I'm missing the hum of my machine and the sharpness of my seam ripper.

Luckily, I just ordered a new pattern...for an adorable little newsboy hat for the newest addition coming soon!

Happy Sewing!



Anonymous said...

Wow! Good for you Bethany! The dresses are beautiful; your models are pretty cute too;)

Unknown said...

You should be so proud of yourself. The dresses are beautiful!

Amanda said...

you guys look great!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

You all LOOK AMAZING!!!! I loveeeeeeeeeeee the photos! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Becky said...

{wolf whistle} Wow!

Great job, Beth!

Unknown said...

Wow! Those dresses are devine! The girls look beautiful. And you're glowing. Makes me wish I knew how to sew. I would love to make my newest little man a newsboy hat.

okiedokiegma said...

Job well done! Here's to stubbornness put to good use. Everyone looks so nice. Glad you are ready for another project and want to try more. Sewing was a lift for me because it was something that didn't get undone like cleaning, cooking, etc. Hugs and kisses to all LYTTTTTTTTTM!

RoseC said...

Yes, Bethany, you deserve a thorough pat on the shoulder for your marvelous, handmade-with-love, family fashions. They're lucky to have you.

JgWM said...

Beautiful. Great job, they look so cute in their dresses.

Rachel said...

BETHANY ... WOW WOW WOW! You made those dresses ... man I need to check in more often .. MISS YOU SWEET LADY! XOOX