Monday, September 27, 2010

The Help

Last week, I finished a book that I feel very confident recommending. I thoroughly enjoyed this novel for its exceptional characterization and interesting thematic content. When I finished the last sentence I felt a sharp pang of remorse that I was at the end. I had fallen head-over-heels in love with each of the thoroughly imperfect (and therefore realistically human) characters and I wanted more. I felt as though I was leaving good friends.

The Help by Kathryn Stockett takes place in Jackson, Mississippi during the era of desegregation (1960s-1970s). The three main characters take turns telling their story and each one tugs at your heart as you witness their triumphs, foibles and difficult decisions. As a busy mother, I liked how each chapter was a quick read and I was able to pick-up and put-down the book as necessary without losing momentum. Even though the prevailing theme was a racial one, the sub-themes were equally important and interesting: feminism and the woman's place, friendship, trust, love, and child-rearing would each be fascinating discussions.

I'm ashamed to admit that I had never really researched or thought a great deal about the day-to-day realities of segregation and subsequent desegregation. I love how Stockett illustrates both the heartaches as well as the triumphs of this era as a daily chronicle. I'm intrigued and ready to learn more. Absolutely fascinating. A must read.


Amanda said...

i was kind of shocked to realize that these things were going on in my parents' lifetime. I loved how it addressed women's themes from women's perspectives: the house, the babies, the recipies, the grudges.

joan said...

Thought you'd like this book. I recomend it whole heartedly also. Mom

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

This sounds really good Bethany!! Thanks for pointing this book out to me! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Becky said...

I read this book a while ago and LOVED it! So glad that you liked it also. Are you going to bookclub next week? I was going to go to bookclub but now Jeff will be out of town (a new trip). :(

If you go, tell them all how much I enjoyed it.

I am still amazed sometimes when I think of how much things have changed racially (and how they haven't--note Arizona and Hispanics).

Amy said...

Oh it sounds really good Beth, I will have to pick it up! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Bethany, I read this book months ago and loved it. I liked how the different story lines ran together. Really enlightened me to a few things I knew nothing about. Glad you like it too!

Unknown said...

This book was fantastic. I really enjoyed the character development and we very interested to find out how different people chose to behave.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bethany, I enjoyed reading and discussing the book at my book club a couple of months ago. It was fun the read and now they are making a movie of it. Jane