Friday, September 10, 2010

A Folksy Frosty

Yes, I know...Christmas isn't for a long while, but since I'm having a baby in November, I'm pretty much expecting my life to fall apart for about 2 months while I adjust to motherhood of 6 sweeties.

Therefore, I'm teaching my last class before my maternity leave on October 2nd from 10:30-2PM at Scrapbooks Etc in Mesa, AZ. And because Christmas just rocks my socks off, it is Christmas themed.

We'll be making this little dude. (He's about 9 inches tall.)

He's got a lot of personality. I many snowmen can get away with wearing their hats skewed like that? Yeah, I know. Not too many.

He's the perfect gentleman. He wears his heart on his sleeve.

And he's full of wisdom.

Pretty much the perfect guy.

Once again, you don't need too many supplies for this man...scissors, heat gun, teeny-tiny paintbrush (if you have one) is about all. Everything else is covered in the class fee ($35.00). The only problem is that class size is limited so you need to sign-up early.

Hope to see you soon!



papertrails leaver said...

this is adorable! If I lived closer I would be here in a heartbeat. Thanks for sharing this online!

bethchien said...

you are so talented! that is soooo awesome, cute and creative!
and congrats on the baby! ;D

Unknown said...

Love this! I'm finally in town for your class this time. Now I just need to work on getting a babysitter...

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Nooooooooooooooooooo way... Lisa A. is finally making it to one of your classes...and its one I have to miss??? BUMMER!! That is Brookie's birthday weekend and we will be Chuck.E.Cheese'ing it that day!! Bummer! :( He is sooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!! I wanna make him! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Anonymous said...

I love that snowman, he is so cute!Love it!You are so creative Bethany! Wish I could join you!

Deana said...

Darling project, Bethany, & congrats on a new baby coming soon!

Hope you're feeling well!

Big hugs...

Marit said...

Love this little man!!! I like the idea that you girls will be all making this dude on MY birthday! Like a lot of snowmans will wave to me that day! Have fun!