Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Scrap Review

I just joined a new very hip team.

I'm thrilled! You can check it out here.


vtpuggirl said...

Huge congrats to you!

Staci Taylor said...

Wow, that's so cool, bethany - big congrats!!

Debbie said...

I already love their website - good people and stuff there. You'll be a great addition! Have fun.

Shelley Haganman said...

Yeah!!! Glad you are part of the team!!!

Unknown said...

Just got the Scrap Review Email and thought I would swing by, say hello, and start following your blog! :) Nice place you have here! Looking forward to your projects!!! :)

Stacy Cohen said...

Congrats, Bethany! I can't wait to read your reviews!

Lucy Edson said...

Congrats, Beth!! I think you will be a wonderful addition to their team!! :)

Marit said...

Congratulations!!! I will check it out immideately!