Friday, August 28, 2009

Busy Around the House

I haven't had much time for papercrafting lately because I've been very busy doing other things like...

...decorating the house.

A little beach alcove appeared just outside my bedroom. I didn't realize that I had coordinated the decor until I stepped back. Isn't that funny?

My mom gave all of the girls this candle holder while we were in Cape Cod. I filled it with found shells.

I liked the look so much that I replicated it in a grander scale over on the other side.

Those white branches were on major Christmas clearance at JoAnns four years ago. I think they look like coral when paired with beach shells and rocks.

...and sewing like a crazy woman. Just last night I finished two dresses for D's baptism tomorrow. Note to self...Do Not Wait Until 2 Weeks Before A Big Event to Start Sewing the Dress for Aforementioned Event. Do Not.

The dresses turned out beautifully as long as you don't focus on the hemline or those darn zippers. D thinks they are fabulous which is really all that matters in the long run. I'll post pictures next week.

...and knitting. While traveling home from vacation, I took up knitting again. What a lovely way to pass time on a loooonnnnnngggg car ride! This project has no purpose whatsoever except practice.

Oh, and I want to tell you about the My Mind's Eye giveaway at The Scrap Review! Leave a comment and you could win the collection. It is really great!


Amy said...

I LOVE the decor! It's very clean and refreshing looking! The beach is one of my favorite places so I am kinda biased lol. Can't wait to see the dresses! (funny story, my mom and I were sewing buttons on my flower girl dresses for my wedding the morning OF the wedding lol)

Marit said...

Ah, LOVE shells!!! Such a great treasure of nature and it looks lovely in those bowls! And the dress on cloths brings back memories... (I studied "tailor"??) I can't wait to see pics of the finished dress!!!